Amidst a plethora of problems plaguing the nation, such as severe economic hardship, inflation, an increase in kidnappings for ransom, and a depreciating national currency, Bola Tinubu has urged Nigerians to maintain a positive outlook on the nation.
Tinubu made this statement during the launch of the 3,112 housing units under the Renewed Hope Cites initiative in the Federal Capital Territory.
He said, “Let’s talk to Nigerians here once more. Let’s speak to ourselves and express all the good things we can about our nation. Don’t have a bad opinion of your nation. This morning, I requested our nation’s national pledge before I left my house. And we need to relaunch it while making sure we’re dedicated to the greatness, the hope, and the values of our nation.
“It’s our nation. You pledge to be obedient, honest, and faithful to Nigeria, your country, and my country. To serve Nigeria with all your strength.
“You witnessed it yesterday when the Super Eagles were playing. We were all rejoicing. We enjoy winning. Nigeria is winning when you have optimism and hope.
“We did not promise that everything would go smoothly. However, we have no doubt that this nation will succeed in every way. We shall do everything within our power to preserve our honour, glory, and unity. Because we are Nigerians and we have no other country,” he said.
He further encouraged Nigerians to be hopeful and assured that they have a country that cares about them .
Tinubu went on to emphasise the value of shelter for people, calling it a basic human right and the duty of the state to provide for its people.
In addition, he expressed his appreciation for the Housing Ministry’s efforts in fulfilling the Renewed Hope mandate for housing and urban development.
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