Prime Minister of Iceland- Katrin Jakobsd

Iceland’s PM Joins Women on Strike Over Equal Pay, Gender Based Violence

The Prime Minister of Iceland, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, alongside women throughout the volcanic island nation, earlier today, staged a strike in a united effort to advocate for the cessation of wage disparities and the eradication of gender-based violence.

Iceland’s citizens woke up to the sight of exclusively male news anchors reporting on the extensive shutdowns taking place across the country.

Schools remained shuttered, public transportation experienced delays, hospitals were short-staffed, and hotel rooms went unattended for cleaning.

Ms Jakobsdóttir told the website: “I will not work this day, as I expect all the women [in cabinet] will do as well.

“I have decided not to have a cabinet meeting tomorrow, and in Alþingi [Iceland’s parliament], only male ministers will answer impromptu questions. We show solidarity in this way.”

According to Statistics Iceland, there was an unadjusted gender pay difference of 9.1% in 2022, with a pay disparity of more than 25% for women employed in the insurance and finance industries.

Since October 24, 1975, when 90% of women stopped working, cleaning, or taking care of their children in protest of workplace discrimination, this strike is the largest of its type. Iceland enacted a statute the next year that guaranteed equal rights to all people, regardless of gender.
It is anticipated that the government’s actions will support other efforts, such as improving market transparency, being made to improve foreign exchange liquidity.

These actions are essential for Iceland’s economic development and stability as it makes its way through these difficult times.