“Rotten Judiciary Led to Akpabio’s Rise to Senate Presidency”- Ezekwesili

Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili

Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili, a former Nigerian Minister of Education, has voiced strong criticism against the Nigerian Judiciary, particularly the Court of Appeal, alleging that Senator Godswill Akpabio’s presence in the Senate, let alone as Senate President, is a consequence of the judiciary’s corruption.

In a post shared on her X account on Wednesday, the former Vice President for the World Bank pointed out discrepancies in the Court of Appeal’s judgments, notably in the Kano State governorship election case.

Dr. Ezekwesili expressed concern over the declining state of Nigerian democracy, attributing it to what she sees as the judiciary’s compromise. She specifically called out Senator Akpabio, stating that he wouldn’t hold the title of Senator or Senate President if not for the alleged corruption within the judiciary. The former minister accused the Court of Appeal of allowing itself to be corrupted and captured by decadent politicians.

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Dr. Ezekwesili quoted Marianne Williamson’s words about empires, suggesting that those in power often believe they are indestructible when, in reality, they are unsustainable.

Ezekwesili urged opposition party voices to fulfill their democratic responsibilities and commended senators like @SenatorNwoye and @ireti_kingibe for raising their collective voice on issues affecting the citizens.

“Mr Akpabio is regrettably caught up in the web of Hubris. We should remind him and his band of Destroyers of Democracy the wise and legendary words of Marianne Williamson: “Empires always have the hubris to think they are indestructible, when in fact they are always unsustainable.” Meanwhile, it was hopeful to see Opposition Party voices finally doing what Democracy demands of them.

“Kudos to@SenatorNwoye, @ireti_kingibe and other Labor Party Senators. Raise your Collective Voice on all matters that affect the Citizens who elected you into office as Lawmakers @nassnigeria .

“It was what we expected of you on those egregious Luxury SUVs you collected or are waiting to collect. You folks with the People’s Mandate can still lead the way out of the entrapment by this “Monopoly Democracy” of a political class rascality that is now exemplified by Mr Akpabio and his ilk. She said.