China’s President Affirms Strengthened Ties with Russia in 2023


In a New Year’s exchange of greetings, President Xi Jinping of China expressed that the foundational bonds between China and Russia had deepened throughout 2023, as reported by state media on Sunday.

Emphasizing the enduring alliance between Beijing and Moscow, the leaders have strengthened their relationship amidst Western nations distancing themselves from Russia due to its military intervention in Ukraine.

President Xi Jinping, referring to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin as his “good friend,” highlighted the robust foundation of Sino-Russian ties.

He stated that “the material and public opinion foundation of our relationship has become stronger” in his recap of the year to Putin on Sunday, according to state broadcaster CCTV.

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“In the face of changes unseen in a century and a turbulent regional and international situation, China-Russia relations have maintained healthy and stable development and moved steadily in the right direction,” Xi disclosed.

“Under our joint leadership, political mutual trust between the two sides has further deepened, strategic coordination has drawn closer, and mutually beneficial cooperation has continued to achieve new results,” the Chinese leader articulated.

Xi revealed that bilateral trade exceeded $200 billion ahead of schedule, marking a significant economic milestone.

Looking ahead, President Xi Jinping expressed anticipation for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of bilateral ties in 2024.

During a recent visit to Beijing by Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin, Xi emphasized the strategic importance of maintaining close ties with Moscow, characterizing it as a “strategic choice.”

Credit: AFP