CSU Has History Of Corruption, Tinubu’s Scandal Not A Surprise, US Journalist Opens Up

US-based journalist, J. Palmer has reacted to the ongoing certificate saga of Bola Tinubu, accusing Chicago State University (CSU) of being complacent following its history of corruption and dishonesty over the years.

J. Palmer, Parallel Facts gathered, graduated from CSU in the late 90s. He was also the editor of the school’s newspaper (Tempo) for three years.

In a recent podcast monitored by our reporter, J. Palmer explained that CSU shut down the newspaper (Tempo) a few years ago after having existed for over 50 years.

Palmer said since the newspaper was shut down, there has been nobody to hold CSU accountable, giving the school a free hand.

“There has been so much going on in Chicago State in the last 10/15 years. It does not surprise me that they are actually in the middle of this international incident. This situation is not a surprise to me at all.”

He also explained that he won’t be moved if there are conspirators within CSU as though it hasn’t been confirmed but he won’t be surprised to hear about it.

Palmer shedding light on CSU’s history of corruption, said; “Chicago State has had a former president that was federally convicted for a crime. They had a financial aid director that was federally convicted of crimes and these people went to prison”

J. Palmer explained that Chicago State University has never been honest.

He stated that the administration of the school in the 70s was probably prone to do “crazy” things.

His words; “The fact is that the things that came of the Deposition and the contradictory statement we’ve heard from the deposition is part of Chicago thing (Talking with both sides of the mouth). I’ve covered this university for over 20 years and they talk with both sides of the mouth all the time. It is very difficult to get information out of this university. They have never been honest with their students and in their dealings.”

In same vein, the journalist expressed his happiness following the recent revelations on Bola Tinubu’s certificate saga.

He stated that he wouldn’t be surprised if the Governor of Chicago State JB Pritzker stepped in and the board of directors and many offices in the university started to resign.

He blamed these on the fact that CSU practices a “culture of dysfunction and corruption that they’ve had in the system”.

J. Palmer revealed that the university has drastically reduced in number over the years due to their dealings.

He claimed the school population is not more than a thousand compared to the eight thousand population during his time at Chicago State University.

He also revealed that a few years ago, the university was considering closing down due to a lack of enough finance and is being underfunded by the state of Illinois.

“Just three weeks ago, there was a story from a major Chicago newspaper that questions why the president of the University receives a $50,000 bonus given to her by the board of trustees when the enrolment numbers are dropping, test scores and graduation numbers are dropping. She’s been getting the bonus since she got there which is like 6/7 years.

“Six Months ago, the professors were on strike asking for better salary and all the board of trustees felt is to give $50,000 bonuses,” he said.

Interestingly, the US writer confirmed the school archive showing graduation years of past students which he claimed he physically checked, adding that the particular year Tinubu claimed to have finished was missing in the archive.

He said all the years before and after Tinubu’s supposed year of graduation were intact except 1979.