France Raises Terror Threat Alert to Highest Level After Moscow Attack

France has escalated its terror threat alert to the highest level following a devastating attack in Moscow that left 143 people dead, according to reports from Le Figaro newspaper.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal declared an “extreme threat of terrorist attack” in response to the massacre at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow, which occurred on Friday evening.

President Emmanuel Macron convened a defense council meeting to address the attack and its potential repercussions, amid reports of threats against France itself.

The assault took place in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, where assailants, described as three men in camouflage, stormed the music hall, opening fire on attendees and igniting a massive fire with incendiary devices.

Russian authorities have reported at least 137 fatalities, with some estimates suggesting the death toll has risen to 143, according to Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of RT and the Rossiya Segodnya media group.

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Following the attack, eleven individuals, including four directly involved, were apprehended by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). All four alleged shooters were captured in the Bryansk region, which borders Belarus and Ukraine.

A Moscow court has charged the suspects with terrorism, ordering their detention until May 22. Hailing from Tajikistan, they face the possibility of life imprisonment.

The incident has sent shockwaves across France, prompting authorities to heighten vigilance and security measures in anticipation of potential retaliatory strikes.

The international community has condemned the atrocity, with leaders expressing solidarity and offering support to Russia in its efforts to combat terrorism.

The aftermath of the Moscow attack underscores the persistent threat posed by extremist violence and the imperative of global cooperation in addressing terrorism.