Hamas, Israel Close To Reaching Ceasefire Deal — Official


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh announced on Tuesday that his movement was close to reaching a ceasefire agreement with Israel, Reuters reports.

He did not provide any details of the deal, but a Hamas official who spoke to Xinhua on condition of anonymity said that the agreement would be announced in Qatar, where Haniyeh lives.

According to the official, the deal would last for five days and involve the exchange of prisoners and humanitarian aid.

Hamas would release 50 civilians and foreign nationals that it holds, while Israel would release 300 Palestinian detainees, including children and women.

The exchange, Parallel Facts gathered, would take place in stages, with 10 Israeli prisoners released per day, along with 30 Palestinian prisoners.

The official also said that the negotiations focused on the duration of the ceasefire, the arrangements for delivering aid to Gaza, and the fate of Israeli captives held by Hamas and Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

Photo Credit: NPR

The Times of Israel cited an Israeli senior official who confirmed that the truce was imminent, but warned that any threat to Israeli forces would be met with immediate attack, even during the ceasefire.

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The ceasefire deal comes after two weeks of intense fighting between Israel and Hamas, which has killed more than 200 people, mostly Palestinians, and displaced thousands more. Two weeks ago, the White House said that Israel had agreed to a daily four-hour pause in the northern Gaza Strip to allow civilians to escape the violence, but Israel did not confirm this.