Zambian Musician Commits Suicide After Accusing Wife of Infidelity

Nathan Mithi, a Zambian musician and member of the well-known music group Ghetto Link, reportedly took his own life after alleging that his wife, Sabby Phiri, was unfaithful.

In a suicide note posted on social media, Mithi shared the distressing details of his marriage to Phiri, accusing her of infidelity, dishonesty, and a desire for an extravagant lifestyle. He claimed that if anyone was reading his note, he was likely already dead, and he blamed his wife for his death.

Zambian Musician Commits Suicide
Zambian Musician Commits Suicide Photocredit: Ig Gistreeltv

Mithi recounted instances where he allegedly found his wife in bed with other men, including a relative and a landlord. He expressed his deep love for her and his inability to tolerate her actions. He stated that if he couldn’t be with her, he preferred to be at peace.

The Zambian Musician also mentioned that he was leaving behind five children, three of whom were his and two from different fathers. Zambian Musician Commits Suicide expressed doubts about the paternity of the children. He advised his wife to enjoy her life while she could, warning her that her time was coming.

However, Phiri refuted her late husband’s suicide note in a post titled “Beyond the accusations: The unseen reality of my story”. She claimed that she had been a victim of domestic abuse throughout their marriage and described her late husband’s allegations as misguided.

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She stated, “Behind closed doors, I bore the weight of relentless wife battering, a painful truth that remained hidden for far too long. However, it’s crucial to unveil the concealed layers of our story—the ones obscured by accusations and social media narratives.

“It pains me to be implicated in my late husband’s tragic decision when, in truth, his struggles extended far beyond our personal conflicts. One of the overwhelming burdens he faced was an insurmountable amount of debt, contributing significantly to his sleepless nights and inner turmoil.

“Moreover, I was ensnared in a web of blackmail, coerced into silence about the abuse I endured. Threats of tarnishing my reputation and the ultimate ultimatum—’I will end my life and besmirch your name’— haunted me into keeping my suffering veiled.”

She added that when she tried to escape this cycle of torment, her husband revealed the secret he had been hiding for so long. She clarified that she was not seeking justification but rather shedding light on the complexities that characterized their relationship. She further appealed to the public to stop spreading her late husband’s story. #Zambian Musician