Why Abuja Security Framework Needs Revamping — Lawmaker


In a recent press conference held in Abuja, Joshua Obika, a member of the Legislative Party from the Federal Capital Territory (LP-FCT) has called for a comprehensive reform of the security framework within the nation’s capital.

This call to action comes in response to a surge in criminal activities that have raised concerns among the city’s residents.

Mr Obika pinpointed specific areas beneath city bridges that have become notorious as criminal hideouts.

He highlighted a disturbing trend where thugs incite panic with fabricated claims of vanishing genitals, only to exploit the resulting disorder to rob unsuspecting individuals of their belongings, including cell phones and other valuables.

The lawmaker, representing the AMAC/Bwari federal constituency, expressed that the current wave of crime does not discriminate, leaving the entire populace vulnerable and uncertain about who might be the next target.

“The once-secure environment of Abuja is now in question, with many wondering if the city’s safety is gradually eluding our grasp,” Mr Obika remarked.

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Emphasising the critical need for governmental intervention, Mr. Obika implored President Bola Tinubu to establish a Special Security Intervention Fund aimed at a total revamp of the FCT’s security infrastructure.

He also urged the FCT Administration to adopt innovative strategies, including the implementation of advanced technologies throughout Abuja and its surrounding satellite towns.

Further recommendations from Mr. Obika include elevating the FCT Security Department to either a directorate or an independent agency status, equipped with skilled professionals and a robust institutional framework to effectively coordinate security measures across the FCT.

He reasoned that the complexity and size of Abuja necessitate a more authoritative and organised approach to security management.

Addressing the nightlife sector, Mr. Obika proposed the introduction of standardized operational procedures for nightclubs, mandating the installation of modern electronic security surveillance systems within and around their premises.

Turning his attention to the educational challenges in the FCT, Mr. Obika shed light on the dire state of the basic education system, particularly in rural areas.

He described schools lacking proper infrastructure, with students learning in dilapidated classrooms, devoid of basic amenities such as sanitary facilities and teaching materials.

The absence of security measures like fences and guards, he noted, exposes children to potential dangers.

Mr. Obika’s statements underscore the urgency for both security and educational reforms to ensure the safety and future prosperity of Abuja’s citizens and to maintain the confidence of investors in the region.

The legislator’s call to action serves as a reminder of the government’s responsibility to safeguard its people and foster an environment conducive to learning and growth.