Lottery, Gambling Have Potential to Boost Economy — Says Enugu State Gov Mbah; Urges Transparency in Industry

Peter Mbah

Governor Peter Mbah of Enugu State has emphasized the potential of gaming and lottery industries to significantly drive the state’s economy and bolster its tourism sector.

Speaking at the Enugu State Gaming Conference held at Amaedo Event Centre, Governor Mbah highlighted the state’s commitment to fostering innovation and regulatory frameworks within the gaming sector.

“We see gaming as a viable avenue to enhance our revenues and stimulate local economic growth,” Governor Mbah affirmed, urging industry operators and investors to prioritize innovation and consumer satisfaction.

Emphasizing integrity and responsibility, he underscored the government’s role in ensuring a conducive business environment while safeguarding citizens’ interests.

Addressing concerns about addictive gambling behaviors, Governor Mbah stressed the importance of regulatory oversight to prevent financial distress among players and their families.

Mbah stated, “We must separate gaming driven by addiction where you now have to wreck yourself financially by selling your properties, selling your jewellery or that of the members of your family because you want to play a game. These are two different things and that is where the regulators have a duty to checkmate this.”

Executive Secretary of the Enugu State Gaming and Lottery Commission, Arinze Arum, echoed Governor Mbah’s sentiments, describing the conference as pivotal for shaping the future of Enugu’s gambling landscape and Nigeria’s broader industry.

Arum emphasized the strategic importance of sustainable growth, social impact, and consumer protection in managing the gaming sector.

Arum articulated, “We are not only to discuss current challenges and opportunities but to chart a course towards sustainable growth and development that benefits all stakeholders, operators, consumers, and the industry at large. With the theme, this event has been carefully designed to help in the overall growth of the industry especially in Enugu state.

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“It encapsulates our vision for a forward-thinking approach to industry growth through innovation spurred by strategic partnership.”

Speaking further, Arum called for its prudent and transparent management, social impact, and consumer protection.

Participants discussed strategies to ensure transparent management and maximize the sector’s economic contributions while protecting consumers.

Governor Mbah reaffirmed the state government’s commitment to supporting a safe and thriving gaming environment in Enugu, promising continued collaboration with stakeholders to achieve sustainable growth in the industry.


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