Tragedy Strikes in Osogbo as Man Leaps into Osun River Amidst Hardship

A heart-wrenching incident unfolded on Saturday when a man, identified as Femi, plunged into the Osun River in Osogbo, Osun State. His desperate act followed a series of personal hardships that had left him in distress.

Witnesses recounted the tragic scene on the Gbodofon bridge along the Osogbo/Gbongan road. At approximately 10:30 am, Femi stood there, seemingly lost in thought. Suddenly, he leaped into the river, shocking everyone who witnessed the event.

The vulcanizer working nearby, who preferred to remain anonymous, described the moment: “I was at a spot close to the bridge working on a customer’s tyre when I looked towards the Gbodofon bridge and I saw a man walking down from Old Governor’s Office end of the Osogbo/Gbongan.

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“He stood right in the middle of the bridge and took a plunge into the Gbodofon River. People around were seized with fear after the incident.”


Rescue operatives from the Osun State Fire Service were promptly alerted. However, their efforts faced a significant challenge—the river was overflowing due to recent heavy rains. Despite the difficult conditions, they continued their search for Femi’s body.

Kehinde Adeleke, the Public Relations Officer for the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC), confirmed that Femi hailed from Ilesha. Tragically, this wasn’t his first attempt at suicide. Earlier incidents had been thwarted by concerned bystanders.

“According to an eyewitness, before he jumped into the river, he kept saying that a group of people had beaten him mercilessly at a (fast food joint) in the OgoOluwa area, which led him to decide to end his life,” Adeleke stated.

Despite the community’s efforts to save him, Femi’s body remained unrecovered as night fell on Saturday.

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