Nigeria Today Is Not Ruled By Law But by Impunity — Farotimi


Dele Farotimi, a Nigerian human rights activist, highlights that Nigeria currently operates not under the rule of law, but rather under a culture of impunity.

Farotimi argued during an interview that despite the abundance of written laws in Nigeria, the country lacks genuine adherence to the rule of law, as these laws are often flouted rather than upheld.

Farotimi painted a grim picture of Nigeria’s future, stating, “I am approaching 56 years old this year, and throughout my life, we’ve seldom been as distant from greatness as we are now. The outlook for Nigeria seems bleaker than it has ever been in my lifetime.”

He blamed the rot in Nigeria to “each and every one of us” but “most importantly the “complete breakdown of the rule of law”.

According to him, Nigeria has copious laws in writing but there is no rule of law in our space as “the laws are observed more in breach”.

“Nigeria as it is today is not ruled by law but by impunity,” he said. “When you look beyond that, you begin to look at the institutions of state.”

Farotimi said for the nation to move forward, the principles of justice must be enthroned, starting with the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive.

Farotimi also stated that Tinubu actively endorsed Buhari as the ideal candidate for the presidency in both the 2015 and 2019 elections.

Farotimi, highlighting Tinubu’s role as the national leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), emphasized that Tinubu played a pivotal role in presenting Buhari to Nigerians during the lead-up to the 2015 general elections. Consequently, Farotimi maintains that Tinubu cannot distance himself from the failures of the Buhari government.

According to the activist, there has been no substantial change in the country’s situation since May 2015, when the APC took over from ex-President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

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“The evidence of the last nine months is unimpeachable and cannot be denied. I know that the convenient excuse is that Buhari had damaged it (Nigeria) and he (Tinubu) is repairing it but who brought Buhari? Who was the chief marketer of Buhari in 2014/2015 when the ‘Change’ lie was sold to Nigerians?” he queried.

Farotimi expressed disappointment, noting that the Tinubu government has taken no discernible steps to instill optimism for positive change.

Rather, he cautioned Nigerians to prepare for further difficulties beyond the economic strains caused by the removal of petrol subsidies and the consolidation of foreign exchange windows.