Shani Louk Was Not an Israeli Soldier

Woman slaughtered and paraded around naked in the back of Hamas pickup truck identified as German-Israeli woman in country to attend music festival for peace

In response to a video that has recently gone viral, we would like to clarify that Shani Louk, the 30-year-old German citizen who was tragically found murdered in Gaza, was not an Israeli soldier.

The identity of the woman in the video as Shani was confirmed by her first cousin, Tom Weintraub Louk, according to The Washington Post.

Tom stated, “We knew she was at the party; she didn’t respond.”

Shani reportedly went missing after Hamas terrorists disrupted an outdoor dance party near Kibbutz Urim on Saturday morning, an event she is believed to have attended.

The festival she was part of was held to advocate for peace and was located near the Gaza border fence.

Louk had traveled to Israel to attend a peace music festival held near the Gaza border. She was a civilian and a music lover, not a member of any military organization. The video claiming otherwise is misleading and factually incorrect