South Korean Farmers Clash With Police Over Dog Consumption Bill


 A new bill to ban and outlaw dog meat consumption has met fierce resistance from South Korean farmers who clashed with police during a rally on Thursday, close to the presidential palace in Seoul.

The South Korean government and ruling party introduced a bill early this month that will outlaw dog consumption by the end of the year.

This has caused massive unrest from Farmers who farm dogs for consumption. Farmers were seen with their farmed dogs during protests, with one farmer alleging that he will “Kill himself” if the law is passed.

The bill pushed by the government and governing party would phase out the dog meat industry by 2027. It would provide financial support to farmers for dismantling their facilities opening new businesses and offering vocational training and other benefits.

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“To have a government-backed bill with the political will behind it to see it passed swiftly is a highly significant milestone, a point we have never reached before in this campaign to phase out this abusive industry,” the anti-animal cruelty group Humane Society International’s Korea office said in written responses to questions from The Associated Press.

South Koreans have been worried about their global image due to dog consumption and condemnation from animal rights groups.

Some believe that dog consumption will slowly fade away due to lack of interest from younger generations. 

An estimate of about 700,000 to 1 million dogs is slaughtered for consumption each year, a massive decline from decades ago. Some farmers called for direct compensation from the government as most dog farmers are in their late 60’s and are not willing to seek out new opportunities or learn new trade.