Ukrainian President Announces Safe Return of 230 Citizens in Prisoners Swap with Russia

In a recent update, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the safe return of 230 of his country’s citizens in the first major swap of prisoners since August. The news was shared on Wednesday via the President’s X page.

The group of returnees comprised 213 soldiers and sergeants, 11 officers, and 6 civilians. President Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude to everyone who contributed to this achievement.

In his message, the President emphasized the importance of remembering each citizen and stressed his commitment to ensuring the return of all Ukrainians. “We remember each and every one of our people. And we must return all of them,” he stated.

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This development marks a significant step in the ongoing efforts to secure the safe return of all Ukrainians. The president’s announcement has been widely received as a beacon of hope amidst challenging times. Further updates are anticipated as efforts continue.