US-Based Nigerian, Yomi Faparusi to Contest for US Congress


Yomi Faparusi, a Nigerian-American residing in Tennessee, has announced his candidacy as an independent to represent Tennessee’s District 5 in the US Congress on November 5, 2024.

During a virtual meeting with reporters over the weekend, Faparusi expressed his belief that winning the election would inspire the next generation.

He pointed out issues of hyperinflation, the shrinking middle class, and the threat to the American dream, making survival difficult for many.

As a researcher, Faparusi stated that he is running because America is divided and weakened, and he aims to unite Americans across various divides.

His words: “America is so divided and weakened because politicians now run on divisive and wedge issues.

“Hence, I decided to run as a unifier, so that things can get done. I also hope my victory in November would inspire the next generation.

“There is inflation making it hard to make ends meet; the middle class is disappearing, and the American dream is threatened. I want to tackle inflation. I want to create an environment that is conducive to small businesses, the most important units of job creation.

“Congress is in stalemate, and nothing is getting done. I will work across the aisle for the common good. Americans are tired of cyclical threats of government shutdowns.

“Immigration is in total disarray. Open borders are not a policy; it only makes it hard to have a comprehensive plan.

“Immigration is not only a social issue; it is a financial/economic issue: you don’t have papers; you can’t get a job.’

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“The reality is that most legislators would not entertain any immigration relief package unless the border is secure. Hence, we need to secure the border and get back with a bipartisan comprehensive immigration plan.

“I am running as an Independent because I do not want to be beholden to any party. I still have a political ideology.

“There is something called an advantage of incumbency, but incumbents lose, as I hope in November. The TN 5th district is ideologically diverse, and it needs to be represented by someone who understands and appreciates this diversity.

“I will represent all the people and not just a partisan segment.

“I am a business owner and I know about job creation. Also, I have had to work with diverse stakeholders hence I learnt how to listen and be humble. These have allowed me to be a good negotiator in any forum.

“As an immigrant and now an immigration attorney, I know the practicalities of immigration.

“As simplistic as it seems, the theme of my agenda is ‘I care’.

“I care about your concerns, and I want to go to Washington to serve you. I hope that you will give me a chance to represent you and I will always be answerable to you, my constituents.

“I will advocate for your concerns and needs without fear of retribution because I have placed the people above party. At the end, everything will be okay.”


Faparusi was born at the University of Ibadan in Oyo State, and his ancestral hometown is Ode-Ekiti in Gbonyin LGA, Ekiti State.

He graduated as a medical doctor from the College of Medicine at the University of Ibadan. During his time in school, Yomi Faparusi was active in student politics and served as the Hall Chairman of Alexander Brown Hall.

He is a licensed physician and attorney based in Tennessee, where he runs a law practice primarily focusing on immigration law.

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