War: You Won’t Succeed, US Will Defend Israel—President Biden Assures Iran

President Biden Assures Iran

President Joe Biden of the United States has pledged to stand by Israel during the ongoing conflict.

He emphasized that Iran’s attempts to harm Israel will not go unchallenged. Speaking to reporters, Biden cautioned Iran against any aggression towards Israel.

Biden said, “We are devoted to the defence of Israel. We will support Israel. We will help defend Israel, and Iran will not succeed.”

When questioned about his stance towards Iran amid the recent threat, Biden succinctly stated, “Just don’t.” He pointed out the constraints of divulging classified details and expressed his anticipation of a potential attack occurring sooner rather than later.

A recent US intelligence report indicates Iran’s intentions to launch an assault on Israel within the next 24 to 48 hours.

 However, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Iran’s highest echelons are still deliberating, with no definitive decision made regarding the planned attack.

READ ALSO: Threat of Iranian Attack on Israel is ‘Real, Credible’, Says White House

WSJ also reported that Israel is bracing itself for potential strikes, with preparations underway for possible attacks in either the southern or northern regions.

“The strike plans are in front of the Supreme Leader, and he is still weighing the political risk,” WSJ quoted an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as saying.