Two African Students Wanted for Robbery, Murder in Northern Cyprus


Authorities in Northern Cyprus are continuing their intensive efforts to apprehend two Cameroonian students for the alleged murder of their boss and businesswoman, Ayça Alav, 45, whose lifeless body was discovered late Friday after she was reported missing.

According to police reports, Alav was tied with her hands behind her back and her mouth stuffed, which caused her to die due to asphyxiation.

The suspect proceeded to rob her workplace, a currency exchange office, before crossing the border to southern Cyprus.

A cross-border investigation with the help of the United Nations has commenced for the capture of the suspects.

Meanwhile, police have arrested three other suspects for aiding and abetting their escape to southern Cyprus.

Both suspects were brought to court, as police said both were paid 100 and 50 euros to facilitate their escape.

The murder has rocked the de facto nation of Northern Cyprus, as it is the second murder in the space of two months in the country.

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Other reports have alleged that the suspects were workers under Alav before the gruesome murder took place.

Northern Cyprus, often known as a place with a low crime rate, has seen crime rocket with the influx of migrants, often students, who often overstay their visas due to economic hardship.