
‘Childish Outburst’, Ex-NBA VP Slams Abbo For Dragging Akpabio In Mud

Dr Monday Ubani, Special Adviser to the Senate President and former Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has berated Senator Elisha Abbo for accusing Godswill Akpabio of influencing his sack by the Appeal Court.

Abbo, in a report on Monday, had accused Akpabio of being behind his sack by Appeal Court adding that four more senators including Senator Orji Kalu were also being targeted.

Reacting, Ubani, in a press statement on Tuesday, asked Senator Abbo to withdraw the statement and apologise to Akpabio and the Justices of the Appeal Court in reputable newspapers and electronic media.

“On what basis did Senator Abbo come to the conclusion that the Senate President (Akpabio) influenced the judiciary in sacking him as a Senator? Did he supply the laws or the facts through which he was sacked by the Honourable Court?

“For God’s sake, the duty of the legislative arm of the government which Senator Abbo was a member is to make laws and not for adjudication of cases. Can it be said that a Senator who has spent over four years in the Red Chambers does not know the simple duties of all arms of government in a Democracy?

“Further questions for the senator: Could this allegation by Senator Abbo be a product of a drowning man clutching at a straw? If this is the case, it is very unfortunate and should be condemned.

“By this wild allegation which has no basis in law and fact and without any iota of proof, Senator Elisha is guilty of:

  1. Defamation against the Senate President and by extension the National Assembly.
  2. The Senator is in clear contempt of the court for such wild allegation that he knows to be untrue.
  3. The senator has by his baseless allegation impugned the integrity of the Senate President’s office and the hallowed court of appeal that gave the judgement.

“His allegation is reckless, defamatory and childish for it lacks proof and merit.

“He is requested to withdraw the statement immediately and apologise to both the Senate President and the Justices of the Court of Appeal, Abuja with wide publication in reputable newspapers and electronic media or risk measures that those two institutions may consider very appropriate in redressing this childish and thoughtless outburst,” the statement partly read.