China to Resume Visa-Free Policies to Boost Tourism

In a bid to spur inbound travel and boost the post-pandemic tourism business, China has announced that it will resume visa-free policies. The policy document was released on Friday, September 29, 2023.

According to China’s State Council, more international flights will resume. The central government’s website stated that visa-free policies and visa assurances on arrival would be promoted. This move is expected to provide smoother immigration clearances for cruises and self-driving tourists.

In addition, the government has called for enhanced tax-rebate services. This includes the creation of more tax-rebate shops, which are expected to attract more tourists and stimulate consumption.

The decision to resume visa-free policies is seen as a significant step towards reviving China’s tourism industry, which has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also signals China’s commitment to opening up and promoting international exchanges in the post-pandemic era.

China is also considering adding more countries to its visa-exemption list, which would further facilitate international travel and boost tourism.

This move is expected to have a positive impact on the global tourism industry and contribute to the recovery of the global economy. As one of the world’s top tourist destinations, China’s decision could set a precedent for other countries to follow.

The specific details of the resumed policies and the potential additions to the visa-exemption list have not been disclosed yet. However, the announcement has already sparked optimism among international travelers and tourism industry stakeholders.