I Rejected Bola Tinubu Muslim/Muslim Ticket In 2007-Abubakar Atiku

The Presidential Candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Abubakar Tinubu, has publicly revealed that he fell out with Bola Ahmed Tinubu in 2007 when he rejected the latter’s advances to be his running mate (VP).

He explained that his disagreement with Bola Ahmed Tinubu was also because Bola Ahmed Tinubu was pushing for a Muslim ticket, and he boldly stood his ground against a motive as such, for he felt it wasn’t right.

Abubaker Atiku made this known during his speech at the world press conference held in Abuja on Thursday evening. He explained that he had never been a fan of the Muslim-Muslim ticket that Bola Ahmed Tinubu pushed for. He revealed that this was one of the many causes of their feud.

Recall that the US Court granted Atiku his request to have access to Bola Tinubu CSU’s academic records, which have since revealed that Bola Ahmed Tinubu forged a certificate submitted to INEC. Following the completion of the depositions of the records, which, according to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is an act worthy of disqualification,

Section 137(1)(j) clearly states that “a person shall not be qualified for election to the office of president if he has presented a forged certificate to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).”

In the same vein, Abubakar Atiku’s open confession of what caused the fallout between him and Bola Ahmed Tinubu proves to be a well-grounded fact and the reason behind Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Muslim-Muslim ticket in the 2023 presidential election.

Tinubu, who is from the South West, decided to run with a Muslim ticket with Shettima, who is also a Muslim from the North West, not minding the reactions and concerns of the public. His decision elicited disapproving reactions from multiple groups, such as the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), which also condemned it. However, notwithstanding these reactions, Bola Ahmed Tinubu moved on with the decision to run Shettima as he wanted to achieve his long-term Muslim ticket dreams.

Speaking in September 2022, the former secretary to the government of the federation (SGF), Babachir Lawal, said that the Tinubu Muslim Muslim ticket is a plan to divide the North and called it a “demonic proposition”. 

He said, “We try as leaders of societies to live as brothers and sisters, but out of the blue, this demonic proposition just came out of the blue.”

To defend his decision, Tinubu claimed in September 2022 to be one of the best friends of the Christian community in Nigeria. This was said at a meeting with members of the Pentecostal Bishops’s Forum in Abuja. It seems evidently real that Bola Ahmed Tinubu has had the plan for a Muslim-Muslim ticket before or since 2007, as confirmed by Abubakar Atiku at the World Press Conference today.