“It Wouldn’t Happen if we Were in Office,” Trump Reacts to Iran’s Attack on Israel

At a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, former President Donald Trump condemned the recent attack on Israel by Iran, asserting that such aggression would not have occurred if his administration were still in power.

The rally, attended by GOP politicians, saw Trump express solidarity with the people of Israel, who have come under fire amid escalating tensions in the region.

Addressing the crowd, Trump began by offering his support to the people of Israel, stating, “Before going any further, I want to say God bless the people of Israel. They’re under attack right now. That’s because we show great weakness.

“The weakness that we’ve shown is unbelievable, and it would not have happened if we were in office. You know that. They know that, and everybody knows that,” Trump added.

Trump emphasized that America stands with Israel and assured that prayers and support are being sent to those affected by the conflict.

READ ALSO: Israeli Official Says 99% of Iranian Drones, Missiles Have Been Intercepted

Parallel Facts reported that Israel witnessed an unprecedented air attack from Iran on Saturday being a retaliation against Israeli attack on its consul in Syria.

The former President’s comments echo sentiments expressed by other GOP politicians, who have voiced concerns over the Biden administration’s approach to foreign policy in the region.