Israel and Hamas Agree to Extend Ceasefire by Two Days


Israel and Hamas have decided to extend the current ceasefire for two days to facilitate the release of more hostages.

The deal was announced by Qatar on Monday.

Qatar serves as the main intermediary between Hamas and Israel in negotiations.

The announcement, made by Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majid Al Ansary in a post on X, came on the final day of the original four-day truce between the warring sides.

A fourth swap of hostages for prisoners under that deal was expected later Monday.

Israeli authorities have said that they will extend the ceasefire for a day for every 10 hostages released. Hamas has now come to terms with a two-day ceasefire under the same conditions as the previous

Israel will resume its operations with “full force” as soon as the current deal expires if Hamas does not agree to further hostage releases, with the goal of eliminating the group and freeing the rest of the captives, government spokesperson Eylon Levy told reporters on Monday.

READ ALSO: Ceasefire Takes Hold in Gaza Strip, 13 Women, Children Released

About 58 hostages have been released so far with the current deal. So far, no peace framework has been proposed by either side to end the conflict, which has seen over 13 thousand Palestinians killed and about 1,200 killed on the Israeli side.

Israel’s goal remains the same: the eradication of Hamas. Many countries, including the American president, have warned Israel about occupying Gaza and displacing the Palestinians living there.